Ayurveda is a holistic system of traditional medicine that originated more than 5,000 years ago in India. This method of healing is used as a form of alternative medicine in various parts of the world. Though relatively new to the United States, it is one of the fastest growing systems of healing. An Ayurvedic doctor / Ayurvedic practitioner’s method of diagnosis and treatment of diseases is based on the principle that body, mind, and spirit are interrelated, and imbalance in any one of these hampers the physical and mental wellness of the person.
The Ayurvedic system of healing works in the different areas of medicine like internal medicine, surgery, psychiatry, treatment of head and neck diseases, gynecology, rejuvenation and sexual vitality, toxicology, obstetrics and pediatrics, and care of the elderly. Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners employ the use of 5 treatments, referred to as “sense therapies”. These are herbalism and diet, touch therapy, color therapy, aromatherapy, and sound therapy.

Education and Training Requirements

Educational requirements for Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners depend on their fields of specialization. For instance, one may pursue a career as a medical doctor, chiropractic doctor, nutritionist, nurse, naturopathic doctor, yoga teacher, or massage therapist. Ayurvedic practitioners may provide guidance on nutrition and lifestyle, recommendations on use of natural herbs, or specialize in Ayurvedic techniques like Ayurvedic massage, stone therapy massage, herbal wraps, and facials. Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners need to acquire training in accordance with their areas of interest.
However, in general, Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners are not required to have certification in order to practice in the United States. Ayurvedic professionals in the US are represented by the National Ayurvedic Medical Association. In recent times, a number of state-approved private colleges and clinics offer formal training to people interested in pursuing this profession. It also helps if candidates have a high school education in physics, chemistry, and biology.
In addition, one may pursue a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate degree in Ayurvedic medicine and surgery from an institute in India. In such cases, the training period may last up to 5 years.

Getting the Job

Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners are usually employed by private clinics, hospitals, and charitable medical centers. Often, such openings are advertised in newspapers and job portals on the Internet. These organizations sometimes have links with schools offering training to Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners. In such cases, they may also recruit through on-campus placement programs.

Advancement Possibilities and Employment Outlook

Most of the Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners establish their own private practice. Those employed in wellness centers can advance to supervisory or managerial positions over the years. Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners can also choose to take up faculty positions in Ayurvedic colleges and private clinics. In addition, they can interact with others in their profession by conducting seminars, workshops, and retreats.
Employment opportunities are expected to become really lucrative in the near future. This is primarily because of the increasing interest in alternative and holistic medicines in Western countries. In addition, the rising incidence of chronic disease, and spiraling healthcare expenses have led a lot of people to consider options like Ayurveda.

Working Conditions

Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners employed by a professional organization generally work regular hours. Those in private practice can set their own schedules. On the whole, working conditions are favorable since Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners interact with patients in clean and hygienic surroundings.

Salary, Earnings and Benefits

The earnings of Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners depend largely on their place of employment or practice. In general, the yearly earnings of salaried practitioners range from Rs.70,000 to Rs.100,000. In the case of doctors with formal Ayurvedic training, the annual earnings can be more than Rs. 250,000.
Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners employed in private organizations or educational institutes enjoy benefits in the form of paid leaves and vacations, life insurance, and medical insurance coverage.

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